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His ten-year search to find true love is a fate he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy. The woman he thinks is his first love gets pregnant by the same man with whom she’s been sleeping since the middle of their relationship. He thinks his next romantic liaison is pure bliss until he discovers his girlfriend’s continued entanglements with her ex-boyfriend. He continues to travel down a long, dark road with seemingly no light at the end until something incredible happens. He learns that old relationships must die before new ones can be born.
His life has been a series of unsuccessful affairs and heartbreak, true, but all of that comes to an end with the arrival of true love. Pulling no punches, author James R. Dixon draws from his own life experiences in his newest poetry collection Till Death Do Us Part. Reading like a narrative, he unflinchingly portrays the highs and lows of love in ways relatable, heartfelt, and eventually victorious.
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9781663218537
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9781663218520